Application for Registration of a Trademark and Service Mark

Applying for a federal registration is a legal process where legal requirements, fees, and deadlines must be met accordingly. We would be pleased to assist any business owner or corporate attorney in the prosecution of its trademarks, and our cost for filing a trademark application is typically on the order of $1,800-$2,200 per mark, per class, inclusive of filing fees, although potential cost breaks may be in order for entities filing a portfolio of trademark applications.

As is our policy, our firm will do our best to keep the cost at the lower end of the estimated scale, and will work diligently with the business to secure a trademark-pending serial number on the application within two to three business days upon our receipt of particular information regarding the mark.

Business owners may occasionally wish to pursue state registration of a mark as opposed to federal registration. A state trademark registration does not grant the enumerated protections of a federal registration, but does give the registrant certain limited rights within the territory of the state. The cost for filing a Louisiana State Trademark application, which may be completed online and is often handled directly by the business representative, is typically $350, with the state trademark registration obtained within one to two weeks from the time of filing.

Our firm offers extensive trademark prosecution experience to any business owner or corporate attorney potentially interested in protecting the company’s marks and goodwill. Our initial consultations are designed to determine the strength of the potential trademark portfolio of the business, including whether the potential name and/or logos associated with the company comply with the legal requirements of the federal Lanham Act. These initial consultations are always free of charge and kept in the strictest confidence according to the ethical obligations imposed on the firm by the American Bar Association. After this consultation, the firm will provide a complimentary trademark portfolio recommendation and corresponding cost estimate for moving forward, at which point the owner of the mark may make an informed decision on whether to engage our firm for the prosecution of the selected mark or marks.


Typical Costs:
Government Filing Fee, per class: $225- $375
Trademark Drawing: $110
Attorney’s Fees: $1,500 – $2,100
Total, Appl. Filing: $1,835 – $2,585

Prosecution Fees:
Incurred as necessary during prosecution with U.S. Trademark Office: $350 – $2,500**

Total, U.S. Registration: $2,185 – $5,085**

** If extensive prosecution costs may be incurred during the application process (i.e., greater than $350), our firm will consult with the trademark owner prior to incurring any such prosecution expenses.


Government Filing Fee: $350

The cost of filing a state trademark application varies from state to state, and an attorney should be consulted for a more detailed explanation of costs within individual states.

The total bill is always calculated on the basis of the number of hours an attorney spends on the case. The charges quoted above are representative charges for an ordinary case, and are subject to change based on the circumstances of each application.