US Patent Application Drafting and Filing

Maximize Your Patent Potential: Precise Drafting, Strategic Filing

Turning an idea into a protected asset requires precision, expertise, and a strategic approach.  We specialize in crafting a robust patent application and providing strategic filing services to maximize your invention’s value and secure your competitive edge in the marketplace.

Our Comprehensive Drafting Process

Our patent application drafting service is a meticulous and collaborative process, designed to ensure your invention receives the strongest possible protection.  Here is how we guide you through each crucial step:

  • Invention Deep Dive & Prior Art Analysis: We begin by conducting a thorough review of your invention, understanding its core functionality, unique features, and intended applications.

A prior art search is highly recommended to identify existing technologies and patents that may impact your invention’s patentability. This crucial step allows us to pinpoint the novel aspects of your innovation and strategize accordingly.

  • Strategic Filing Strategy Development: Based on the invention review and prior art analysis, we develop a tailored filing strategy that aligns with your business objectives and budget.

We advise on the most effective type of patent application (utility, design, or plant), the optimal scope of protection, and potential international filing considerations.

We strive to create a cost-effective strategy that fits your budget.

  • Detailed Invention Description Drafting: Our team drafts a detailed description of your invention, ensuring it is clear, concise, and meets the requirements of the USPTO.

We provide a comprehensive explanation of the invention’s operation, including its components, functionality, and advantages.

  • Clear & Concise Claim Drafting: The claims are the heart of your patent, defining the scope of your invention’s protection.

We craft precise and strategic claims that accurately capture the novel aspects of your invention, maximizing its enforceability and minimizing potential infringement.

  • Accurate Drawings & Diagrams: Visual representations are essential for illustrating your invention’s features and functionality.

Our team collaborates with skilled draftsmen to create accurate and detailed drawings and diagrams that comply with USPTO requirements.

  • Seamless USPTO Application Filing: We handle the entire application filing process with the USPTO, ensuring all necessary documents are submitted accurately and on time.

We keep you updated on examination of the application, and respond to office actions in a timely manner.

“Patent Pending”

“Patent pending” signifies that a patent application has been officially filed with the USPTO.  While it doesn’t grant the full legal protection of a granted patent, it serves as a public notice that an inventor is pursuing patent rights.  This status and notice offer several important advantages:

  • Establishing Priority: It secures an early effective filing date, which is crucial in a “first-to-file” patent system.
  • Deterring Competitors: It acts as a warning to potential infringers, indicating that legal action may be taken if a patent is ultimately granted.
  • Potential for Future Rights: If the patent is eventually granted, the patent holder may, in certain circumstances, be able to seek compensation for infringement that occurred during the “patent pending” period.

Essentially, “patent pending” is a marker that lets the world know an invention is in the process of seeking patent protection.

Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation

Don’t leave your valuable inventions vulnerable.  Contact us today for an in-office or virtual consultation and discover how our expert patent application drafting services can help you secure your intellectual property rights.